Why Tradeoffs Matter in Product Development
When you’re designing, developing, and building a product, you need to think about tradeoffs. You must be able to define what you are willing to give up to move forward.
When you’re designing, developing, and building a product, you need to think about tradeoffs. You must be able to define what you are willing to give up to move forward.
Uncovering demand is about you going into your customers’ lives.
It’s about uncovering your customers’ struggling moment, the outcome they seek, and the progress that they are trying to make. Let Bob show you the three customer behavior frameworks that’ll get you the answers you need.
There’s a distinction between a customer and a consumer and how you distinguish between the two. When you’re in the business to business (B2B) space, you need to satisfy both the consumer and the customer.
Here Bob Moesta and Greg Engle discuss the point that when you’re in the business to business (B2B) space, you need to satisfy both the consumer and the customer.
There are two different, interdependent systems in product innovation: supply and demand. Some believe the supply creates the demand, but at The Re-Wired Group, we think differently.
Jobs to Be Done: A Paradigm Shift to a Demand-First Approach. By Greg Engle, Founding Partner, The Re-Wired Group