Bob Moesta
CEO, Founder The Re-Wired Group
Bob is one of the principal architects of the Jobs to be Done theory and founder of The Re-Wired Group.

CEO, Founder The Re-Wired Group
Bob is one of the principal architects of the Jobs to be Done theory and founder of The Re-Wired Group.
We keep trying to sell people the drill, when the reality is, we should be helping them figure out how to drill the hole.
Bob Moesta
Since developing the Jobs to be Done theory in the mid-90s, along with Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen, Bob has continued to develop, advance and apply the innovation framework to everyday business challenges.
A visual thinker, teacher and creator, Bob has worked on & helped launch more than 3,500 new products, services and businesses across nearly every industry, including defense, automotive, software, financial services and education, among many others. He has started, built and sold several startups.
Bob is an entrepreneur at heart and engineer & designer by training. He started out as an intern for Dr. W. Edwards Deming, father of the quality revolution & worked with Dr. Genichi Taguchi extensively. In Japan, Bob learned first-hand many of the lean product development methods for which so many Japanese businesses, including Toyota, are known for.
A lifetime learner, Bob holds degrees from Michigan State University, Harvard Business School and Stanford University. He has studied extensively at Boston University’s School of Management and at MIT School of Engineering. He is a fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute and is a guest lecturer at the Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan School of Entrepreneurship and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.
You can hire Bob to speak at your next event. As well as a speaker, he provides JTBD advising and executive coaching, and holds multiple advisory roles.