JTBD versus Buyer Personas
JTBD is all about what people are going to do next, it’s not about the Job they do now. That’s why you can’t over simplify your audience.
Guides, playbooks, books, podcasts and more to help you understand why your customers hire you.
JTBD is all about what people are going to do next, it’s not about the Job they do now. That’s why you can’t over simplify your audience.
You know when you’ve done a good job when they’re laughing or showing emotion with you. If they say, “boy, that’s a really good question i haven’t thought about that” you’re on the right track.
What separates us from other practitioners of Jobs to be Done (JTBD), is we talk about the functional, emotional and social components. For a Job to be truly complete, it needs all three elements.
JTBD interviews play a key role in learning your customers’ progress. But let’s face it… they’re not like your usual interview type.
Sales won’t magically fall into your lap. The good news is I have five tools that will help you meet those quotas and become an extraordinary salesperson.